
Monday, July 11, 2011

'Reading' faces of Asia's most prominent tycoons

This is the first of a three-part series featuring extracts and information from Faces Of Fortune, a new book that ‘reads’ the faces of 20 of Asia’s most prominent tycoons.

DO you know that simply by looking at a person’s face, you can tell his character and where he’s headed – that is, if you know the Chinese art of face reading, or Mian Xiang.

In ancient times, Mian Xiang was used by the emperors to choose imperial officers and masters, their disciples.

In Faces Of Fortune, author Tee Lin Say uses Mian Xiang to pick out 20 of Asia’s most prominent tycoons, and then explain why investors should place money on their companies over the next 10 years.

Datuk Seri Nazir Razak, CIMB Group

Datuk Seri Nazir Razak’s cheekbones pack willpower.

Nazir Razak is the youngest son of Malaysia’s second Prime Minister, and the brother of Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, the current PM. He is also the brainy group chief executive officer of the country’s premier investment bank, CIMB Group Holdings Bhd.

Early this month, speculation was rife that CIMB was thinking of acquiring RHB Capital Bhd. Now that this has come to an premature end, does this mean CIMB will be wedged in its consolidation phase, or are there bigger things in store from Nazir?

Looking at Nazir’s features, it’s pretty obvious that the best is yet to come for CIMB. We would safely say that the stock is a screaming buy at this point.

In 2012, Nazir will be 45 years old, or 46 in Chinese years. In Mian Xiang, this age point is represented by the left cheekbone.

The cheekbones represent not just Nazir’s age luck, but also his willpower and ability to wield power. And he sure has loads of that.

A major part of Nazir’s success at CIMB was achieved during his thirties, when the age points were in his eyes. But his eyes cannot quite compare with the width and size of his mouth.

In Mian Xiang, a big mouth signifies influence, power and lots of clout. Have you ever seen a tycoon with a small mouth? Rarely.

When Nazir turns 52, the age point will go to his superior mouth. So don’t be surprised if CIMB is an entirely different entity six years from now. It might even own an American bank by then!

We do not foresee organic growth for CIMB. Based on Nazir’s face, the company’s sensational ride will continue right into his fifties.

Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan’s most outstanding feature is his lips.

Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan, Hong Leong Group

Hong Leong’s Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan is famed for buying low and then selling for a tidy profit, a skill he has mastered over the years.

Investors may recall that in 2001, he pocketed RM11.bil – the highest price ever paid for an Asian bank – when he sold his controlling stake in Dao Heng Bank of Hong Kong to Singapore’s DBS Bank.

It certainly looks like the elusive Quek is coasting on second wind at the age of 71: Hong Leong recently acquired EON Capital Bhd for RM5.06bil, a move that makes it the fourth largest bank in Malaysia.

What is in his face that tells us this “master dealmaker” still has the appetite and drive for acquisitions and opportunities?

His triangle-shaped eyes burn with Sha-qi a fire that reveals “ambitions that need to be achieved”. Such eyes reflect a person whose mind is alert. He is hardly naïve and is unlikely to be swindled in the game of business.

Quek’s most outstanding feature is the corners of his lips. This area, known as the Jin Lu (meaning Gold Point), represents the ability to persuade or influence others, be it with words or sheer physical presence.

Quek’s Jin Lu is well-defined and long, a strong sign that we are looking at a man who is adept at making deals.

On top of that, his lips are flagged. A flagged mouth is one where the middle indentation on the upper lip forms the letter ‘M’. This denotes that Quek is very skilful in negotiation and has the gift of persuasion. What he says has a big impact on others.

Watch his moves as things are about to get very interesting for the Hong Leong Group.

Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng has unique ‘killer eyes’.

Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng, IOI Corp Group

Plantation conglomerate IOI Corp Bhd is currently involved in a tangle with The Roundtable On Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) over land disputes and illegal deforestation.

Some analysts say IOI’s reputation will be dented, and as a result, there will be downside pressure on the stock in the short-term.

Well, if only these analysts knew Mian Xiang. Then they would say that the dispute is merely a glitch when viewed alongside the grand slam that chairman Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng is poised to deliver.

In fact, now is the best time to participate in the company’s growth because when Lee turns 73 in 2012, his luck cycle will improve substantially.

If you know face reading, you’ll see that Lee’s Mian Xiang is an open book of triumph because his face qi is glowing.

The easiest way to evaluate whether a person is experiencing good luck is to look at the qi of his face and eyes. Lee’s eyes are extremely sharp and alert. This signifies a strong spirit and hunger for more. The tips slant upwards, which shows that no detail escapes him. With such eyes, you can be sure that he’s still calling the shots in IOI.

Lee has one feature that is quite unique. Look closely and you will see a line that cuts into his Life Palace, that is, the space between the eyebrows. In Mian Xiang, this is called the Needle Piercing into the Life Palace.

You have to be pretty accomplished to handle the Needle. It pinpoints intelligence and shows that Lee is ahead of the game. Here is someone who is able to pick up cues before others even realise they are there.

Consensus on IOI’s stocks may be neutral now, but looking at Lee’s “killer” eyes, it’s obvious he will not be satisfied with rewarding shareholders with mere dividends.

‘Faces of Fortune: The 20 Tycoons To Bet On Over The Next 10 Years’ will be available at Joey Yap’s ‘Wealth & Destiny’ seminar in Kuala Lumpur on July 31, and leading bookstores from August. Visit or call 03-2284 8080.

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